Linus Tesla Penitentiary

What Seems to be the Problem

The Importance of Words

Here at the Linus Tesla Penitentiary, we hold our staff to high regard. It is their job, on part, to talk to our patients. A poor job, mispoken words, or even lies may lead our patients to no longer feel they are in a safe environmnet. Which is why we hold our faculty to the same standards we hold our staff. By this, of course, we mean that when we say something is to be done at a certain time we keep to that deadline. Of course, there is always the possibility that we may extent their deadlines, but we never shorten it last minute. For instance, assigning one (or multiple) of our nurses with a project, telling them to have it done by Thursday, and then suddenly moving it to Tuesday right before. We hold ourselves to higher standards then that.